Tor des Géants Endurance Trail - TDG 2016 - S01E02 - Sorteio


E pronto! A sorte está lançada, fui sorteado!

O sorteio teve lugar na 4ª feira dia 24/02 às 18h00 e eu fui um dos felizardos:

Como fiquei ordenado em 3º lugar da lista de 18 portugueses, a minha ida está garantida.

Agora há-que continuar a treinar arduamente porque a tarefa não se avizinha fácil.

ITRA Ranking

Este fim-de-semana já fiz dois bons treinos na Serra de Sintra, tendo sido presenteado com duas granizadas que deixaram o chão coberto por um tapete branco.

Espero que a qualidade do Tor não sofra com o contencioso aberto com as autoridades da Região do Valle D'Aosta:


Since early February 2016 the Region, represented by President Augusto Rollandin and Assessor Aurelio Marguerettaz, has released a few critical statements to the press, according to which this year the Region autonomously developed the new formula of “Tor des Geants®” often defined as “The New Tor”, that “Tor des Geants®” set up by VDA Trailers did not take place after being declared unsuitable for the safety of participants and finally, that “two Tors” did not take place and the only “Tor” will be organised by the Region.
The statements released to the press went so unacceptably far as to claim that Region Valle D’Aosta allegedly had a number of non-existing rights on the registered trademark Tor des Geants®.
Contrary to what Regional bodies claimed: 
Tor des Geants® 2016 was regularly scheduled from 11 to 18 September 2016, as correctly reported until yesterday by the website of Region Valle d’Aosta and this year it has broken several records with 2500 registrations and with the number of competing countries (77), apart from major sponsors, including international sponsors, that have already confirmed that they will take part in the event.
The brand Tor des Geants® exclusively belongs to Company VDA Trailers, the organiser of the event, and is solely registered in the country and in EU countries with the name “VDA Trailers”.
The organisation of the Contest has always ensured the safety of all competitors thanks to the important contribution of Civil Protection, The local Health board of Valle d’Aosta (USL), Soccorso Alpino Valdostano (Mountain Rescue service of Valle D’Aosta), Corpo Forestale della Valle d’Aosta (Forestry Corp of Valle D’Aosta) etc.
In this context, the statements made by Regional bodies and in general the Region’s initiative to organise a contest replacing Tor des Geants® are illicit from the viewpoint of the competition, potentially confusing trail enthusiasts, censurable on the basis of the legality of administrative activities, it critically damages the exclusive rights on the brand Tor des Geants®, the start of the competition, the honourability and reputation of the company VDA Trailers and the people who are part of it.
This whole situation is causing incalculable and permanent damages to the company VDA Trailers which has no other choice but to resort to the competent jurisdictional bodies to stop the ongoing illicit activities and allow Tor des Geants® 2016 to be regularly organised and managed in accordance with the usual program, reserving all future actions intended for the compensation of the damages suffered or being suffered and the protection of its rights and legitimate interests.


  1. Parabéns! Agora é só afinar a "maquina"! Um abraço.

  2. Ainda nos cruzámos no Domingo em Sintra.
    Força Amigo, estarei deste lado a apoiar. Grande Abraço.

  3. Ainda nos cruzámos no Domingo em Sintra.
    Força Amigo, estarei deste lado a apoiar. Grande Abraço.


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