
Publicação em destaque

What’s at Stake in Germany’s Elections - Thomas Pueyo

  What’s at Stake in Germany’s Elections

Atleta RUN 4 FUN em destaque

  Resolvi republicar aqui um post do blog do meu clube de corrida, o RUN 4 FUN, em que é feita a minha apresentação ao clube (em 2013, embora eu seja membro do clube desde 2009)

Bibliografia sobre Ultra Trail Running e Desportos de Endurance

  Aqui está uma bibliografia abrangente sobre desportos de endurance, com foco no   Ultra Trail Running em montanha . Incluí livros recomendados e relevantes que abordam temas como fisiologia, psicologia, preparação mental e histórias inspiradoras de corredores de longa distância

Beginner Trail Running | Tips by Trail Runner Nation

Beginner Trail Running | Tips by Trail Runner Nation

UTMB Best of 2024

UTMB Best of 2024

ITRA Performance Index - Everything You Always Wanted to Know But Were Afraid to Ask

The   International Trail Running Association (ITRA) Performance Index   is a ranking system designed to evaluate and compare trail runners globally. It provides a standardized measure of an athlete's performance based on their results in official trail running events recognized by ITRA. This system helps runners, coaches, and race organizers assess an athlete's skill level and is also used for entry qualifications in prestigious races like the UTMB® (Ultra-Trail du Mont-Blanc).

Ultra Endurance Injuries

In ultra-endurance disciplines such as ultra-trail running, most injuries (often referred to as “lesions” in sports medicine) stem from cumulative, repetitive stress rather than sudden traumatic events. Below are some of the most frequently observed problems:

Família & Amigos

Existe mais alguma coisa para além de família e amigos?

Foi descoberta uma nova espécie de pinguim

Foi descoberta uma nova espécie de pinguim

Book Review: Yuval Noah Harari’s Tetralogy

Book Review: Yuval Noah Harari’s Tetralogy

Apresentamos o dispositivo revolucionário: Book!

  "Apresentamos o dispositivo revolucionário: Book!" Chegou o futuro da tecnologia! Esqueça os cabos, esqueça as baterias, esqueça até mesmo a necessidade de Wi-Fi. Está na hora de conhecer o   Book , ou, como chamamos carinhosamente, o   " Bio-Optical Organized Knowledge device " . 

Dark matter could be the result of fermions pushed into a warped fifth dimension.

  By  Caroline Delbert Published: Dec 23, 2024 9:26 AM EST

Can quantum entanglement be used to transmit information between two distant points?

  The short answer is   no , you cannot send usable (classical) information simply by measuring one half of an entangled pair—at least not in a way that circumvents normal communication channels. Although entangled particles have correlations in their measurement outcomes, these correlations alone cannot be used to transmit messages faster than light or in the absence of a classical signal. Below is a bit more detail on why: 1. Quantum Entanglement in a Nutshell Entanglement   is a quantum-mechanical phenomenon where the quantum states of two (or more) particles become linked. Measuring one entangled particle appears to “instantaneously” affect the state of the other, no matter the distance between them. Despite this “spooky” nature,   entanglement by itself does not allow you to send classical information   (i.e., readable messages) faster than light. 2. The No-Communication Theorem The   no-communication theorem   in quantum mechanics states that mea...

Generative AI What Is Agentic AI, and How Will It Change Work?

Generative AI What Is Agentic AI, and How Will It Change Work? by  Mark Purdy December 12, 2024

“Reality” is constructed by your brain. Here’s what that means, and why it matters.

  “It’s really important to understand we’re not seeing reality,” says neuroscientist Patrick Cavanagh. “We’re seeing a story that’s being created for us.”   | Photo Illustration by Zac Freeland/Vox; Akiyoshi Kitaoka


  "Faz agora 30 anos que foi lançado Enapália, uma verdadeira pedrada no charco. Um disco que veio abalar fundações, inquietar consciências e espalhar o evangelho da libertinagem. Passado este tempo todo, permanece intacto no seu estatuto de obra-prima obscura que toda a gente tem medo de dizer que admira. Apesar de ter saído há três décadas, a semente foi lançada quase dez anos antes disso. A origem dos Ena Pá 2000 foi plantada no início dos anos 80 com a criação do movimento Homeostética. No início do curso na Escola Superior de Belas Artes de Lisboa, um grupo de 6 artistas decidiu formar um colectivo artístico pluridisciplinar, absolutamente disruptivo, herdeiro dos vanguardismos modernistas de início do século XX, com afinidades ao Dadaísmo e seu amor pelo absurdo. Um movimento altamente produtivo – com produção artística bastante extensa e intensa entre 1982 e 86 – mas que ficou sempre nas camadas mais ocultas da cena artística portuguesa. Os Homeostéticos focaram-se essencia...

Eternal Rebirth

   ChatGPT Image "The real problem of humanity is the following: we have paleolithic emotions; medieval institutions; and god-like technology. And it is terrifically dangerous, and it is now approaching a point of crisis overall.” -  E. O. Wilson,   September 10, 2009. In a world where time itself seemed to fold inward, compressing centuries of progress into decades, and decades into mere years, Prometheus lived as both witness and participant. His name, inherited from the ancient Greek myth, spoke of foresight and renewal, a symbolic nod to humanity’s enduring spirit in the face of chaos. Yet, in this era, Prometheus found himself drowning in the torrent of exponential change that threatened to outpace human comprehension. The Beginning of Acceleration Prometheus was born i...

The Backdoor of Trust: A Human Exploit in the Open Source World

  It was a quiet evening when Alex realized the extent of their power. Over a decade of quiet, deliberate effort had culminated in this moment. For years, Alex had played the long game, masquerading as a friendly, skilled developer, quietly influencing one of the most trusted software libraries in the world. It wasn’t just code they had infiltrated—it was trust itself.

Hacking People - The Human Key

  It was a crisp winter afternoon when Adrian realized he’d mastered every system he’d ever tried to hack—except the most intricate one of all: people. He had spent years hunched over keyboards, bypassing firewalls, decrypting secured databases, and scraping information off the Dark Web. But none of that brought him the thrill he once felt. Computers, for all their complexity, had patterns he could read—like a puzzle that only needed logic and persistence to solve. So he shifted focus. He decided to hack people. Adrian’s first target was an unsuspecting software engineer named Bridget. She worked at a high-security tech firm that boasted about their “impenetrable defenses.” Adrian knew better. While the company’s cybersecurity might be formidable, Bridget was not. He started small—researching her social media profiles and forging a web of knowledge about her. He discovered that Bridget adored a local bakery on Cliff Street. She posted pictures of herself enjoying croissants and cap...

Um mundo de histórias que começam e não acabam - II

  "Vivemos num mundo de histórias que começam e não acabam" - Italo Calvino

Atibidade xexual...

  Bom dia malta bonita! Ainda não tive oportunidade de agradecer devidamente as inúmeras simpáticas mensagens que me enviaram pelo dia do meu aniversário mas assim que puder fá-lo-ei.

Procura-se um amigo

  “Procura-se um amigo.

Neurodiversity Passport

  Neurodiversity passports can be highly advantageous for both employees and employers as they promote understanding, inclusivity, and a more supportive workplace culture. 

ADHD should not be treated as a disorder

From The Economist Leaders | Think outside the box ADHD should not be treated as a disorder Adapting schools and workplaces for it can help far more

Book Review: Neuromancer by William Gibson

  Book Review:   Neuromancer   by William Gibson William Gibson's   Neuromancer , published in 1984, is a groundbreaking work that defined the cyberpunk genre and reshaped science fiction. With its dark, gritty atmosphere and visionary portrayal of a high-tech, low-life future, the novel continues to captivate readers decades after its release.

The Fractured Path

  The Fractured Path Prologue Liam Calder stood in the ruins of a world that could have been. The air was thick with ash, the sky a mournful gray. He stared at the city’s shattered skyline and felt the crushing weight of responsibility. The device in his hand hummed faintly, its cracked display flickering with the words:   "Wave Function Unstable. Collapse Imminent." He had tried to save everyone, but now, as the multiverse fractured around him, he wasn’t even sure who   everyone   was anymore. The Device It started as an experiment in quantum mechanics, a thought exercise brought to life by ambition and hubris. The   Collapse Engine , developed by Dr. Evelyn Sorin’s research team, was intended to solve one of the most profound questions in physics:   If every decision spawns a new universe, can the wave function of these choices be controlled? For Liam, a junior researcher on the team, the work was theoretical—until it wasn’t. “Think of it like a steering ...